EduSuite Staff Meeting Starters

Staff meeting starters prompt short discussions to keep everyone up to date on current educational thinking. The discussions will build a shared understanding of good practice and an awareness of school policies and procedures.

Staff meeting starters are uploaded weekly and we send out an email alert to senior leaders to ensure the latest staff meeting starter is not missed!

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School Support Solutions

31. Promoting fundamental British values

Sometimes, the teaching of British values is ad hoc and does not…

School Support Solutions

30. Building a questioning culture

Barak Rosenshine asserts that the most effective teachers ask pupils to explain…

School Support Solutions

29. Evidence informed school culture and practice

Research evidence helps us make better decisions. It is an invaluable source…

School Support Solutions

28. Taking care of yourself

Teaching is an amazing profession that provides achievements and exhaustion in equal…

School Support Solutions

27. Challenges teaching languages

Research evidence finds that there is great variation in primary language provision…

School Support Solutions

26. Historical enquiry, argument and interpretation

Historical argument is a particular form of knowledge construction. It is distinct…

School Support Solutions

25. Metacognition, motivation and mindsets

Having a growth mindset requires you to be in the present and…

School Support Solutions

24. Flexible grouping

Research suggests that streaming or fixed groupings can be detrimental to some…

School Support Solutions

23. Diversity, equality, and inclusion terminology

No matter how diverse your school community is, it is vital that…

School Support Solutions

22. The ‘hidden’ curriculum

In schools, pupils are taught the “formal” curriculum.  This curriculum is made up…

School Support Solutions

21. Developing a reading culture

Educators know that reading is the gateway to all learning. Research shows…

School Support Solutions

20. Developing scientific vocabulary

Supporting primary pupils to develop scientific vocabulary can help them to actively…
