EduSuite Staff Meeting Starters

Staff meeting starters prompt short discussions to keep everyone up to date on current educational thinking. The discussions will build a shared understanding of good practice and an awareness of school policies and procedures.

Staff meeting starters are uploaded weekly and we send out an email alert to senior leaders to ensure the latest staff meeting starter is not missed!

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School Support Solutions

43. Using examples and non-examples

Pupils need concrete examples and non-examples to refine mental models of a…

School Support Solutions

42. The importance of oracy for learning

Oracy is not just speaking; it is about using talk to promote…

School Support Solutions

41. Using peer assessment effectively

Peer and self-assessment are powerful forms of feedback when harnessed correctly. When…

School Support Solutions

40. Developing emotional agility

According to Susan David, emotionally agile people ‘demonstrate flexibility…they are able to…

School Support Solutions

39. Scaffolding and fading

Bruner believed that when children learn new concepts, they required assistance from…

School Support Solutions

38. Addressing diversity in the classroom

Schools are diverse and serve diverse communities, thus our curriculum should include…

School Support Solutions

37. Cultural capital

‘Cultural capital’ encompasses experiences, art and knowledge from a variety of cultures.…

School Support Solutions

36. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Motivated pupils can maintain their focus and attention for longer. This may…

School Support Solutions

35. Do we teach computing effectively?

One of the barriers to pupils developing knowledge in digital literacy is…

School Support Solutions

34. Effective plenaries

A 'good’ plenary summarises the main learning points and provides opportunities to…

School Support Solutions

33. Art: Intellectually challenging, creatively demanding

The art and design curriculum in schools should set out how pupils…

School Support Solutions

32. ADHD – celebrating the strengths

ADHD is a ‘neurodevelopmental condition’, one of a collection of conditions that…
