EduSuite Staff Meeting Starters

Staff meeting starters prompt short discussions to keep everyone up to date on current educational thinking. The discussions will build a shared understanding of good practice and an awareness of school policies and procedures.

Staff meeting starters are uploaded weekly and we send out an email alert to senior leaders to ensure the latest staff meeting starter is not missed!

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School Support Solutions

19. Being an emotionally intelligent teacher

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and…

School Support Solutions

18. Reducing cognitive load

Many staff now understand what cognitive load is and how it can…

School Support Solutions

17. Do we have a strong safeguarding culture?

Culture is often described as something which is intangible, that said a…

School Support Solutions

16. Explicitly teaching listening skills

According to one estimate, humans typically ‘spend 70 to 80 percent of…

School Support Solutions

15. Is attendance everybody’s business?

Despite the importance of being in school following the pandemic, school absence…

School Support Solutions

14. The danger of using praise in feedback

Various research studies, including those by Hattie and Timperley, Wiliams, and Dweck,…

School Support Solutions

13. Overcoming cognitive bias as an educator

A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when…

School Support Solutions

12. Using reflection to boost teacher practice

Teacher reflection helps you move from just experiencing a lesson, to understanding…

School Support Solutions

11. High-quality PE provision

Ofsted's PE subject report found that most schools do not provide 'clearly…

School Support Solutions

10. Managing radicalisation and extremism safeguarding concerns

Whilst there are no new legal requirements or additional responsibilities, the Prevent…

School Support Solutions

9. Music curriculum organisation

Ofsted's music subject report highlighted that the weakest aspect of the music curriculum…

School Support Solutions

8. Maths anxiety in pupils

Although maths anxiety usually increases the older you get, the first signs…
