Welcome to our training module, how to review pupil premium provision
The focus of this training module is how to conduct an internal review of pupil premium provision in your own setting. During the video, we set out the scope of the review and share a seven-step process for evaluating the provision for disadvantaged pupils. We explain how to use data to inform areas to investigate and how the funnel approach can be used to identify pupils to sample. We consider what is important when reviewing the school’s pupil premium strategy and how to share the findings and recommendations from the review.
This training module has been designed for staff with responsibility for disadvantaged pupils in school, or any members of staff interested in reviewing the school’s pupil premium provision.
Please download the ‘How to review pupil premium provision guide’ before watching this video, so you can refer to it when watching the video. You might find it useful to have a notepad available to jot down your thoughts before you prepare to carry out a review of pupil premium provision.
How to review pupil premium provision
Remember, you can use the video chapters document to quickly find specific sections in the video.
Add this training module to your professional development portfolio (PDP).
Welcome to our training module on the roles and responsibilities of subject leaders.
This training module would be valuable for new and experienced subject leaders and it will take 50-60 minutes to complete.
Welcome to our training module on using monitoring techniques for subject leaders.
This training module is suitable for subject, middle and senior leaders and should take approximately 50 – 60 minutes to complete.
There is the option to carry out a work sampling activity during the video.
If you wish to take part, please ensure you have 6-8 pupils’ books/work, preferably from a different class to your own, as well as the associated medium term planning for the term’s work you will be reviewing.
Welcome to our training module on subject leadership: creating action plans
This training module is aimed at subject leaders, although the principles of writing an action plan relate directly to writing any type of school improvement plan. This module is likely to take 45 – 55 minutes to complete.