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School uniform statutory guidance

23 November 2021

Statutory guidance relating to the Education (Guidance About Costs of School Uniform) Bill, published on 19th November states that schools must keep uniform costs down and ensure second-hand uniforms are…

Alternative provision and unregulated schools

8 November 2021

There has been a reported rise in the number of primary-aged pupils in alternative provision. For children struggling in mainstream schools there are high-quality state-funded pupil referral units and good independent…

Carried forward unspent PE and sport premium grant funding

3 November 2021

As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the DfE relaxed the ring-fencing arrangements for the PE and sport premium in the 2019 to 2020 academic year, to allow any…

Schools told to report on catch-up tutoring efforts, Tes reports

1 November 2021

According to Catherine Lough, reporter at Tes, schools have been ordered to submit performance data on how they are spending school-led catch-up tutoring grants from the first week back after…

Recovery premium funding guidance

10 September 2021

The DfE published a document entitled Recovery Premium Funding, which outlines the additional funding available in the 2021 to 2022 academic year to support schools with education recovery following COVID-19. …

List of statutory policies for schools

3 September 2021

As the new academic year begins, it is worth cross referencing your policies with the DfE's statutory list. Most changes relate to the change in terminology from newly qualified teacher…

Children’s Code (data protection)

21 April 2021

The Age Appropriate Design Code, or Children's Code as it is known, is a data protection code of practice for online services, such as apps, online games, and web and social media…

Statutory induction guidance for early career teachers

14 April 2021

The Department for Education has published the statutory guidance for the induction of early career teachers, a term that will replace newly qualified teachers  from September 2021. This statutory guidance…

New statutory template for PPG spending

10 April 2021

The Department for Education has introduced a new requirement for schools to demonstrate the evidence used to justify their pupil premium spending, and they have produced a new statutory template…

Trainee teachers can qualify on ‘progress’ for 2nd year

12 February 2021

Reporting in TES, Amy Gibbons states that teacher trainees will be able to qualify based on progress judgements for a second year running, according to the government. In acknowledgement of…
