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Top tips for collecting meaningful formative data

5 November 2021

"There have been so many changes to assessment and data collection in primary schools over recent years, and it feels hard to keep up. A multitude of assessment information —…

KS1 and KS2 assessment changes: the key details

25 October 2021

Headteacher Michael Tidd looks in depth at the new Assessment and Reporting Arrangements documents for KS1 and KS2. Starting with the phonics checks happening in Year 2 next half-term, the…

Ensuring you keep retrieval practice low stakes in the classroom

10 October 2021

A recent research study explored both beneficial and detrimental effects of testing as a learning strategy, wanting to answer the following question: is retrieval practice a double-edged sword? Here’s why it…

IDSR updated with 2020 contextual information

2 February 2021

Ofsted has re-developed the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) following the introduction of the education inspection framework in 2019. The IDSR contains fewer charts and is reduced in size. Due…
