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Doug Lemov inspired reading spine

15 February 2021

In this article, Claire Jones reveals how her primary school developed a consistent whole-school approach to reading that will prepare pupils for university. Overhauling the way we taught reading had…

Trainee teachers can qualify on ‘progress’ for 2nd year

12 February 2021

Reporting in TES, Amy Gibbons states that teacher trainees will be able to qualify based on progress judgements for a second year running, according to the government. In acknowledgement of…

Six ways to support bereaved employees

11 February 2021

Death is something most of us avoid thinking about but, as an employer, it is vital to consider how you support bereaved employees. Unfortunately, this topic has become even more…

Early Years Resilience Development

8 February 2021

 nasen has secured further funding from the DfE to extend their work on the Early Years Resilience Development Pack for parents and practitioners. The 58-page resource has been popular with parents and practitioners…

Supporting parents ‘Helpfinder’

7 February 2021

Times are tough for many people right now. Parents find themselves pulled in many different directions and children may be struggling being in the house for so much longer than usual. A…

DfE ‘considers lengthening school day’ to help catch up

5 February 2021

The government is considering plans to lengthen the school day to help children catch up from the disruption of the coronavirus pandemic, it has been reported in TES. Officials at the Department…

Covid mental health crisis

3 February 2021

Mental health support for children and adolescents is falling short, with young people waiting months to access help. As Georgina Bailey reports in, mental health provision must be a major part of…

IDSR updated with 2020 contextual information

2 February 2021

Ofsted has re-developed the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) following the introduction of the education inspection framework in 2019. The IDSR contains fewer charts and is reduced in size. Due…

Female health and its impact on women working in schools

1 February 2021

How does menopause, fertility treatment and female health problems impact women teaching in educational establishments? In this interview, hosted by School SOS Radio,  Bretta Townend-Jowitt speaks about the importance of school…

Free grammar resources from Englicious

30 January 2021

Englicious provides an entirely free online library of original English language teaching resources, especially for teaching children about grammar. The library of resources includes lesson plans, exercises, videos and assessment materials.…

Pupil motivation is waning, reports Ofsted

30 January 2021

Although remote education is helping to plug the learning gap during the COVID-19 pandemic, pupils’ engagement and motivation remain significant challenges for schools and parents, according to a new report. Published today, Ofsted’s…

Free period products for schools extended

28 January 2021

More than three quarters of secondary schools have accessed free period products, since the DfE launched the programme in January 2020. The roll out of free period products for all…
