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Ofsted: Research review series – science

4 May 2021

John Roberts, in TES reports that Ofsted has identifies the principles it says underpin a quality science education.  Through a study of existing research and literature, Ofsted says it has identified…

Ofsted blog: Spring term monitoring inspections

1 May 2021

Chris Jones, the Director of Corporate Strategy at Ofsted has written a blog about how schools are moving forward despite the challenges they are facing due to the pandemic following…

Ofsted blog: History in outstanding primary schools

29 April 2021

Ofsted have recently published HMI Tim Jenner's blog where he discusses the findings from Ofsted's history subject inspections which took place between January and March 2020. Ofsted inspected the quality of…

School inspection handbooks updated

19 April 2021

HMI, Sean Harford, Ofsted's National Director for Education, has written a blog explaining the changes to Ofsted's school inspection handbooks. The changes have been made in light of the coronavirus pandemic, which…

New helpline launched for sexual abuse victims in schools

5 April 2021

A new helpline to support potential victims of sexual harassment and abuse in education settings has been launched. The dedicated NSPCC helpline number is 0800 136 663.  The dedicated number…

Ofsted recognises extraordinary efforts of schools

7 March 2021

Amanda Spielman, HMCI, speaking to Sophy Ridge on Sky News, said current Ofsted monitoring visits have shown "the extraordinary efforts that schools have been putting into remote education". In response to…

IDSR updated with 2020 contextual information

2 February 2021

Ofsted has re-developed the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) following the introduction of the education inspection framework in 2019. The IDSR contains fewer charts and is reduced in size. Due…

Pupil motivation is waning, reports Ofsted

30 January 2021

Although remote education is helping to plug the learning gap during the COVID-19 pandemic, pupils’ engagement and motivation remain significant challenges for schools and parents, according to a new report. Published today, Ofsted’s…
