EduSuite Educational Updates

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Do You Know Your Stress Signals?

15 May 2022

Stress has some distinct positive functions. Without it, why bother getting out of bed in the morning? In fact, there’s such a thing as positive stress, known as ‘eustress’. For…

Independent Commission on Assessment in Primary Education (ICAPE) launched

14 May 2022

The evidence behind Sats and other primary assessments used in schools comes under the spotlight as a major new review launches. The Independent Commission on Assessment in Primary Education (ICAPE)…

Exercise helps boost pupils’ memory and fitness

13 May 2022

Children who take part in running programmes at school can benefit mentally and physically from the activity, new research has found. It is the biggest study to date looking at the ‘Daily…

The Expertise Reversal Effect, scaffolding support, and how to do it

12 May 2022

Cognitive Load Theory is a highly popular concept in education, with many teachers using its principles in the classroom. Find out more about Cognitive Load theory by accessing our training module: Cognitive…

New guidance for improving attendance

11 May 2022

Many school leaders are working hard to improve attendance rates in their schools. The Department for Education (DfE) has released two guidance documents to support schools in their endeavours to…

Free webinar: Supporting disadvantaged pupils

11 May 2022

Join Caroline Spalding and Chloe Woodhouse presenting ​‘There is no such thing as a Pupil Premium Intervention’. Caroline and Chloe will summarise some of the lessons learned from their years leading the…

Ofsted strategy 2022 to 2027

9 May 2022

Ofsted has published a new strategy for the next 5 years (2022 to 2027). The strategy sets out how Ofsted will continue its work to improve the lives of children…

NSPCC podcast: understanding denial in children displaying harmful sexual behaviour

8 May 2022

The NSPCC Learning Podcast explores why denial might deny harmful sexual behaviour allegations, and how to use trauma-informed approaches when working with children who deny. Katy Tomkinson and Rowan Wolfe…

EEF: Pupil premium support resource

7 May 2022

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has released a new evidence brief, which identifies robust research that schools can use to guide their decision-making around how to use their pupil premium funding.…

Key stage 2 tests: special consideration guidance

6 May 2022

Special consideration is designed to allow schools to highlight where pupils’ key stage 2 (KS2) test results may be affected by traumatic circumstances at the time of the tests. It…

DfE: Together we can tackle child abuse

5 May 2022

The government have launched a campaign to tackle child abuse, called 'Together we can tackle child abuse'. The campaign includes a set of resources for everyone, including four videos on…

How to use retrieval practice effectively in the classroom

4 May 2022

Retrieval practice, the process of generating an answer to a question, is one of the most effective learning strategies. There are many different ways to implement it in the classroom…
