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How to write an effective SEF for your school

1 July 2022

Are you about to tackle the school self-evaluation form? Ciara Lamb shares some tips for writing your SEF, so you can be confident it is set up to effectively support…

Effective Professional Development: Revisiting Prior Learning

30 June 2022

The Research School Network explores mechanism 2 from the EEF’s recent guidance report. According to the guidance, professional development is more likely to be effective when we: revisit previous topics or techniques…

Podcast: Reading and literacy across the primary school

29 June 2022

This podcast episode from Headteacher Update looks at how primary schools can teach reading well and considers the components of effective whole-school reading (and literacy) strategies, looking at how to…

The power of music to change lives: a national plan for music education

28 June 2022

The national plan for music education sets out the government’s vision to enable all children and young people in England to: learn to sing, play an instrument and create music…

‘Guide To’: Effective year 6 to 7 transition

27 June 2022

This free 10-page 'Guide To' offers a range of tips and ideas for how primary and secondary schools can work together to support effective transition work, including a term-by-term 'transition…

Sun safety in the primary school

26 June 2022

Children who have frequent or severe sunburn are at much greater risk of developing skin cancer as adults. Schools can play a role in protecting young people.  Skin cancer is…

SEND consultation: EHCP Annual review timescales

25 June 2022

Local authorities have various duties over when and how they must review an individual’s education, health and care (EHC) plan. The DfE are consulting on whether they should have an…

Understanding trauma – ask the expert

24 June 2022

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health have produced a video on understanding trauma. David Trickey shares his knowledge and insights into trauma, specifically exploring children’s responses to traumatic…

Culturally Responsive Communities: A Conference for Educators

23 June 2022

We all have culture and all culture is worthy of celebration. As educators, how are we culturally responsive to our students? How do we ensure we give voice to all…

Moving on up!

22 June 2022

A lot of work goes into helping young people make a smooth transition from primary to secondary education. Childnet have created videos and accompanying resources to help with the online…

DfE: supporting and promoting children’s rights.

21 June 2022

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an international agreement setting out the fundamental rights of everyone under the age of 18 and is the…

New mentalization-based curriculum: free seminar

20 June 2022

Join the Anna Freud Centre and UCL for a free seminar on Monday 4th July, 4:30 - 6:00 pm to find out about a new mentalization-based curriculum for education professionals. The…
