EduSuite Training Modules

As a member of EduSuite you have access to all of the training modules we produce and there is no limit on the number of times you can view each one. Most training modules contain activities or downloadable resources which you’re encouraged to engage with, so having access to a pen and paper would be useful. 

Behaviour ManagementMemory and LearningRaising achievementSelf-optimisationSubject LeadershipSubject Research ReviewsTeaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies

Dual coding


Dual coding

Our mini modules are short videos, based on a single idea or concept relating to education. During this video, we explain what dual coding is, why it is important to educators, and how to use dual modality teaching. This mini module is suitable for all teaching staff as it explores strategies we can use to help pupils learn and retain information.The video lasts about 15 minutes, and there are two activities at the end for you to engage with. These could take up to 30 minutes to complete.

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Making feedback manageable and effective


Making feedback manageable and effective

Feedback is one of the most powerful tools in the teacher’s kit in terms of improving learning. It has the potential to have an impact on pupil learning, but the time can also be wasted if it is not implemented effectively. In this training module we share a range of feedback methods and how they can be best implemented to improve learning and reduce the burden on teaching staff. We consider the pros and cons of live feedback and discuss how peer and self-feedback can be used. This training module is suitable for any adults who provide pupils with feedback and will take approximately 35 - 45 minutes to complete.

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Adaptive teaching


Adaptive teaching

Adaptive teaching is a fundamental part of any educator's practice. In this training module we explain what adaptive teaching is and why it matters. We take you through a range of strategies teaching staff can use to adapt their teaching to ensure pupils understand and learn the concepts being taught and we explain how to anticipate barriers to learning. We share some 'in-the-moment' adaptations you can consider and we explain the importance of using technology and flexible grouping to respond to pupils' needs. This training module is recommended for all teaching staff and will take about 45 to 55 minutes to complete.

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Effective vocabulary instruction


Effective vocabulary instruction

In this training module we explain how to teach vocabulary, sharing a wide range of practical examples which can be used throughout primary school. We explore how we learn language and the importance of vocabulary breadth and depth. This module, suitable for all teaching staff, is likely to take 60 - 75 minutes to complete.

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Embedding formative assessment


Embedding formative assessment

If formative assessment is embedded into our daily practice, it can transform learning for our pupils. During this training module we explore Dylan Wiliam's five key aspects of formative assessment, sharing practical strategies you could use immediately in the classroom. We focus on clarifying learning intentions and success criteria, and share ways to elicit what what pupils already know and can do. Strategies for giving feedback from the teacher and peers are explored and we consider how we can activate peers and learners in 'owning' their learning. This training module is recommended for all teaching staff and will take approximately 1 hour 15 minutes to complete.

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Explicit, Teacher-Led Instruction


Explicit, Teacher-Led Instruction

In this training module we explain and demonstrate the strategy of explicit, teacher-led instruction. The research indicates that this is the best method to use when teaching pupils brand new material, strategies or concepts. It is also beneficial for pupils who are struggling to understand a concept. We recommend this training module for teachers, teaching assistants, sports coaches and SENCOs. This module contains a number of activities and you might want to set aside 1 hour to complete it.

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Rehearsal, retrieval, spacing and interleaving


Rehearsal, retrieval, spacing and interleaving

In this training module, we explain the research and rationale behind the techniques of rehearsal, retrieval practice, spaced practice and interleaving. Understanding these techniques and how to utilise them in the classroom will help all pupils to learn, retain and recall information. We recommend this training module for teachers, teaching assistants and SENCOs. This module contains a number of activities and you might want to set aside 50 minutes to complete it.

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Retrieval Practice


Retrieval Practice

In this training module we explore the principles of retrieval practice which relate to educational research and cognitive science. We share a number of retrieval strategies including specific examples for ways they can be used with pupils of different ages in a primary school setting. We recommend this training module for teachers, teaching assistants and SENCOs. This module contains a number of activities and you might want to set aside 50-60 minutes to complete it.

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Scaffolding Learning


Scaffolding Learning

We begin this training module exploring the difference between scaffolding and differentiation, then delving into the principles of scaffolding. We share a range of scaffolding tools and techniques as well as including specific examples for ways they can be used with pupils in a primary school setting. We recommend this training module for teachers, teaching assistants and SENCOs. This module contains a number of activities and you might want to set aside approximately 45-50 minutes to complete it.

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Using metacognition in the classroom


Using metacognition in the classroom

In this training module we explain how metacognitive strategies can be embedded into your classroom practice. We share examples for reading, writing, maths, and science as well as strategies you can use in any curriculum subject. This module is suitable for all teaching staff and is likely to take 50 - 60 minutes to complete.

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